Rudi Broschofsky
Situated somewhere in between representation and abstraction sit the works of artist Rudi Broschofsky. Taking a Street Art approach to Western Art makes his process completely unique to both genres. His paintings are constructed entirely out of spray paint, which is accomplished through a calculated process of creating meticulous stencils with an X-Acto knife. A stencil may take upwards of 120 hours to create and sometimes may only be used once. From nearby the subject matter is nonrepresentational but with space the composition becomes unmistakable.
Although Rudi's educational path does not lead to the arts, it did play a pivotal role in his style and his artwork as a whole. Rudi graduated from SDSU in 2005 with a degree in business finance. "I like finance because it makes sense to me- numbers go into a calculation and numbers come out, it is logical and can be proven and checked", he says. His painting process relates to this in a sense, the creative process is like building an equation. Once the equation is in place, Rudi knows what the end result will look like if his process is carried out carefully and correctly. Unlike other artists, once his design is in place there is little creative freedom or room to change what the final product will be.
Rudi's art is unquestionably influenced by his upbringing and art has continually played a key role in his life. Rudi was spoon fed into western art with his parents opening Broschofsky Galleries in 1987 when he was five years old. Growing up surrounded by a variety of western masters ranging from Edward Curtis's iconic turn of the century photographs all the way to Andy Warhol's Cowboys and Indians pop art had a large impact on the subject matter that he chooses to focus on. While much of the art that has influenced him is traditional western art, his style also incorporates an entirely different genre of art that has worked its way into the fine-art world over the past decade, Urban Art. Through the use of intricate stencils, spray paint and resin, Rudi attempts to incorporate a modern look to an otherwise customary subject matter.
Solo Shows:
Urban Cowboy, Flat Blak Gallery, Portland, OR, October 2018
Modern Frontier, Ketchum Innovation Center, Ketchum, ID, December 2017
Best of the West, Broschofsky Galleries, Sun Valley, ID, July 2017
Western Pop, Flat Blak Gallery, Portland, OR, July 2017
Group Shows:
Art in the West, High Desert Museum, Bend OR, July 2020
Yellowstone Art Auction 52, Yellowstone Art Museum, Billings, MT, Jan-March 2020
Art in the West, High Desert Museum, Bend, OR, July 2019
Art in the West, High Desert Museum, Bend, OR, July 2018
Small Works Exhibition, Modern West Fine Art, Salt Lake City, UT, December 2017
The Grey Policy, Evo Gallery, Portland, OR, September 2017
One Moto Show, Old Industrial Foundry, Portland, OR, February 2017
Small Works Exhibition, Modern West Fine Art, Salt Lake City, UT, December 2016
Death to Day Jobs III, Ochi Gallery, Sun Valley, ID, July 2014
Death to Day Jobs II, Ochi Gallery, Sun Valley, ID, July 2013
Death to Day Jobs, Ochi Gallery, Sun Valley, ID July 2012
BigLife, Western Art’s Newest Jam, 2020
Pamplin Media, Artists Show Art and Skill in Open Studio Tour, 2019
SVPN, Urban Cowboy (featured fine artist), October 2018
Art in the West, High Desert Museum, June 2018
Hospitality and Design, Studio 11 Completes Hotel Ketchum Refresh, 2018
Visit Sun Valley, Explore their modern art scene (featured artist), January 2018
Eye on Sun Valley, Art Takes Flight, 2017
Visit Sun Valley, Death to Day Jobs, 2014
Sun Valley Magazine, Death to Day Jobs, 2013
Permanent Collections:
Traeger Grills HQ, Salt Lake City, UT
Yellowstone Art Museum, Billings, MT
Sun Valley Company’s Warm Springs Lodge, Sun Valley, ID
Wood River Inn, Hailey, ID
Wareham Development Medical Research, San Francisco, CA
Hotel Ketchum, Ketchum, ID
Public Art:
The Roper, 10’ x 5’ Fabricated Steel Sculpture, Sun Valley, ID 2020
The Helping Hand, 85’ x 39’ (art director and lead assistant), Portland, OR, 2018
Flight, 5’ x 36’, Sun Valley, ID 2017
Cover Art Project, Electrical Box wrap, Ketchum, ID, 2016